Tuesday, 12 July 2011

5. Thursday 7 July 2011

Some further changes to the Finds Management Team – today it was Hugh, Jane and Helen. Weather unpredictable and changeable again.
Everyone having to take jumpers and caggies on and off every half hour or so. 
Some people enjoy the English weather more than others - our American Michelle for example! 
(photo by J. Lunnon) 

The quern in situ (poto by J. Lunnon)

Debbie excavated the quern stone and lifted it out for examination. Don and Roger tried hard to enthuse everyone with their interest and pleasure at the find – not everyone seemed convinced, but UWHG members present on site were suitably excited.
Debbie lifts the quern (photo by J. Lunnon)

There were few other finds so the Finds Management Team continued tidying up the old trench through much of the afternoon.

A brief visit to the site was paid by Rob White of the National Park.

Jane Lunnon.